About Us
Aero Rel Systems Pvt Ltd., believes Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.
Our team is having more than 15 yrs. of experience in the Military & Aerospace grade sub systems. Our team has been integral in about 10 launch vehicles and close to 14 space crafts.
Our Team members represented and handled USA, RUSSIAN and other country products.
Our team has having experience in Delivers / Supplies so many Designs and Developments in so many organizations in Power, Defense, Medical, Communication and Process industries like ECIL, DRDL, DLRL, RCI, ASL,PGAD,ADE, ARDE, BEL, BHEL R&D, TBRL, LRDE, HALOther DRDO Labs and so many other Govt and Semi Govt organizations.
We are involved in various processes and manufacturing, Design, Development, Integration, Fabrication, Assembly, Testing Acceptance and Maintenance.
We are always ready to work with new ideas and our team is having very good enthusiasm in R & D.
Our team is having great access with manufactures in all over the world and having huge database of components and manufacturers
Our team proudly announced our designs and supplied equipment used in military and aerospace grade subsystems in so many Indian Aerospace projects.
We believe in Timely delivery, Safe transit, and Customer satisfaction are necessary for successful organization.